Month: November 2023

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the event I attended for The Pap Corps. The Pap Corps raises a huge amount of funds for cancer research, and we all feel grateful they are as successful as they are. The event was incredible, highlighting Survivors/Thrivers treated at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center through the University of Miami Health System. As I watched the Survivors walk down the runway with their medical support, I decided I needed to be part of the recovery of those with so much on their plate. Having mentored hundreds of ostomates over the past close to ten years since becoming one, I felt prepared to offer my participation.

I am very proud to announce that I have been accepted to the WOMAN TO WOMAN PEER MENTORSHIP PROGRAM designed to support breast cancer patients, but includes other cancers, as well. The patients I have mentored over the years have included bladder and bowel cancers, so I am bringing awareness of the needs of those cancers which may lead to an ostomy.

In order to be most effective, I will attend training at the end of the month. I will be meeting with mentees via Zoom or phone unless in-person is an option. I also anticipate participating or perhaps starting an online support group for ostomates with cancer. It is exciting to envision what I can do, and accomplish, for those who need guidance and support.

We live in very good times medically. We now know we must recognize that once one has a diagnosis and a medical protocol plan, there needs to be a path for not simply living, but living our best lives. That comes from those who have successfully walked in our shoes, being able to say, “Better times are ahead and here are ways to get there.”

The Peer to Peer plan provides an educational environment for patient, family member, or caregiver to receive information in regards to treatment. Additionally, how nutrition and other variables might affect recovery. There is so much for me to learn, but I am all in!

I began this year, 2023, with three goals in mind: make ostomy a household word; bring awareness of ostomy and its myriad of benefits to medical students and practicing physicians and medical personnel on the benefits of this life-saving procedure; and increase my ability to better mentor those in need. This opportunity helps me meet those goals, particularly as the incidence of bladder and colon cancer are forever in our lives. I will share more as time goes on, and thank you, as always, for sharing my difficult times and proud moments!

Living on fish and chicken with my fruits and veggies (okay, AND jelly beans,) I almost never think about having red meat. As a runner in my early parenthood, I eschewed red meat like the plague, didn’t serve it or eat it. Was told it would clog my arteries, lead to dementia, you name it…red […]

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