Month: December 2023

For some, especially at holiday time, this may be an object one desire, or perhaps the promise of a trip to an exotic place. It may be time with a loved one or a plan for a date. And for some, it may be the key to better health. I choose to look at this as finding the key to better health, because for me, that was illusory for decades. Being a part of the Ostomy community has brought me riches far beyond my musings, a realization that many need what I now have.

Getting here was, at times, draining and painful. But I chose to believe that there would be an answer for my frequent hospitalizations and surgeries. So even without a road to follow, I found one that worked for me. This has opened my eyes to all who suffer, and want what I am hopeful they will eventually have. People I love are sick or in pain, and that breaks my heart. Hearing “there is nothing that can be done” is one of the worst statements one can hear. We all deserve to be at our best.

Acquiring “something” we have wanted may make us smile for a day, a week, a month. We may have even believed that by driving the car of our dreams, carrying the handbag of the minute, wearing a piece of gorgeous jewelry will satisfy our yearnings. And all of these may do just that. But finding the answer to our suffering, inability to enjoy our lives, being caught in the web of medical appointments, brings yearning to a totally different level.

In December of 1992, I received a check from my mother-in-law and father-in-law for my birthday. I was so excited to use it to purchase a pair of red suede high heels. A few weeks later, a major bowel obstruction changed my life, and it was early spring before I could leave the hospital. I thought about those red shoes, imagined wearing them with a beautiful dress instead of the hospital gown I wore. Eventually, I got what I wanted, but it would be March, 2014 before I really got what gave me peace of mind, my ileostomy.

I suppose what I am saying is that we love bright shiny pennies, that is the human condition. But being able to enjoy our health is what really brings us happiness. The truth is, however, we don’t realize how important that health is, until we want to have it.

As you know, I love quotes and am always on the lookout for important messages espoused by others. This one presented itself and says everything, all at once. The quote by Serena Williams, a woman many in the tennis world consider the GOAT, speaks volumes as to how she lives her life. In case you […]

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I was with a young woman when I found out that Sandra Day O’Connor had died. “Who is that?” she asked. “She was the first female Justice on the Supreme Court,” I replied. She told me that she was embarrassed not to know that, but that her life is full with babies, work, and staying […]

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