My readers know that I am frequently stressing preparedness and proactivity with regard to our health. Staying in touch with the medical community, including the dentist, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, all fall into the category of taking care of oneself. Checking in with ourselves emotionally and physically can go a long way in lengthening our lives.

I would like to remind you of another life-lengthening item…wearing a medical alert bracelet or necklace that has key information about your health and emergency contact. Think about a situation when you are not able to speak for yourself and there is nobody to advocate for you. I know how frightening it is to even consider being unable to do so, but it very well may happen when you least expect it.

The pearl and gold bracelet I purchased on Lauren’s Hope website is attractive and will alert EMT’s, for example, to my health issues. I wear it on my left wrist since I have been told that is where trained medical personnel first look as they take one’s pulse. I have listed my ileostomy, as well as some heart issues that may be key to share with the medical community. Because space is limited on these tags, it is important to think about what is necessary in the immediate time, always including a contact person’s phone number, even if there is no room to state their name.

Regardless of how many times I mention this at a Support Group meeting or while mentoring, I find another person who will benefit from ordering a bracelet. There are several companies accessible online these days, beside Lauren’s Hope. Medical Alert, Medical Guardian and Life Alert are a few. The internet is full of options.

Medical Bracelets have become quite attractive, but don’t get carried away with glitz and glamour. The idea is to impart important and potentially life-saving information. The “gem” on the tag is the international sign for ALERT, this person has health issues, which may speak much louder than words!

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