Seeing some friends as we entered the barbecue at our clubhouse, I began to say “Happy Holiday.” Catching myself, I realized how foolish it actually was to use happy and memorial in the same sentence. I am old enough to remember Decoration Day, which originated in the years following the Civil War. In 1971, it was renamed Memorial Day and became a national holiday. I assume it felt more realistic to memorialize those who made the supreme sacrifice than to decorate them.

Regardless of the name, it is a somber reminder that there are terrible wars all around the world. The only explanation that swirls in my head is the quote regarding “man’s inhumanity toward man,” and I am paraphrasing, “has caused countless millions to mourn.” Cruelty, brutality, and lack of compassion have certainly taken a toll on the psyche of all of us.

The summer is officially upon us, however, and that puts a smile on so many faces, a wonderful thing! We can look ahead to fun weekends in the sun, baseball games, sporting events, water activities, and barbecues. I wish all a great and safe summer, relaxation and downtime, gathering with family and friends, and joy just splashing in the pool.

Let’s hope we will look back and see this summer as a turning point for “better days” ahead. And for all of my ostomates, drink plenty, rest and respect your body, change your pouch more often if in the sun or taking extra showers, and remember to celebrate how hard we have fought to be here to enjoy the warm, lazy days!

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