Sometimes, we have to take our own advice, and recently, I neglected to do so. Busy before leaving for a trip, I never opened my netted container that holds my ostomy supplies. In reality, I never opened the containers for my cosmetics or toiletries, either, but those items forgotten are easily replaced at a supermarket, Walgreen’s or CVS. Ostomy supplies are not something that can be picked up ANYWHERE! It wasn’t until the middle of the trip that I realized I was dangerously close to not having what I needed.

The formula is always three times what we believe we will need. Thank goodness, I had done that in the past, because I did have almost enough. Fortunately, I had the supplies I keep in my handbag for emergency use. I admit I was worried if I had a leak, knowing I was ill-prepared.

Making an inventory before leaving for any length of time is always recommended. And replacing what has been used is part two of accommodating for necessary items and unpredictable times. A leak or other accident can truly ruin any travel plans.

This reminds me that in addition to keeping a travel suitcase ready and stocked with supplies, keeping one set aside for a hospital stay is also recommended. We must remind ourselves that these incredibly valuable items can only be obtained by distributors. As a Support Group leader, I have been called on occasion by someone traveling to my area who is without supplies. It makes me sad to tell the ostomate I do not have a supply pantry, the ideal situation. Some outpatient clinics may be able to help, but again, they are few and far between.

I believe as ostomates we can handle anything, but not having our necessary supplies is so stressful and untenable. Why put ourselves in that position? Like a Girl or Boy Scout, let’s practice their motto: BE PREPARED. It is infinitely better to not have to worry than to ruin a vacation trying to obtain what is sitting in your closet at home.

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