Those who attend my Ostomy Support Group meetings know that I always wear a beautiful flower near my right shoulder. The custom began because I wanted new attendees to feel comfortable, so I would meet them in the lobby or at the entrance to the room. Prior to the meeting, I would let them know I would be there, and they will know me because “I will be wearing a flower.” A little reminiscent of mystery movies, perhaps, but a perfect way for me to be identified. Ironically, now that we are virtually Zooming our meetings, and it is obvious that I am the one with whom a new member has spoken, I still wear my flower. It is my connection to a few things…some related to ostomy, and one very important to me, and to so many women.

The stoma that is created for our ostomy looks very much like a rosebud, and that has given way to many naming theirs Rosie. Mine, as you may know, is Lily (in honor of my mother, Lillian, who gave me my first life…Lily has given me my second life!) My beautiful flowers help me to feel connected to all the “flowers” that attend our meetings. Additionally, over the many years that I struggled with constant surgeries and hospitalizations, I received countless flowers from so many loving family and friends. If I had the ability to save them and wear them, my entire wardrobe could have been made of flowers. Alas, that was not possible, but I have the memories and gratitude for their gifts.

The flowers that I proudly wear are gorgeous, and most are handmade by a very brave and beautiful lady. Her name is Julie, and she is the designer of Julie’s Bloomies. They are Blooming works of art. Each flower is one of a kind and handcrafted personally by Julie with lots of love. She is an artist and a Domestic Violence survivor. As she tells us, there was a time in her life when flowers were forbidden. Now that she has broken the cycle of abuse, her new life is full of flowers, and where a flower blooms, there is hope. Julie’s hope, and mine when I purchase and wear one, is that one day, Domestic Violence will cease to exist.

My connection to Julie and Domestic Violence Survivors is very strong. I have two daughters and two granddaughters. I do not want them to ever know abuse of any kind. I do not ever want them to be disappointed in their choice of partner. I want them to always be free to live with flowers and to be surrounded by beauty.

Additionally, my connection to my fellow Ostomates could not be stronger. So I wear my flowers as a show of camaraderie each and every meeting. Julie says “the earth laughs in flowers” and who would argue such a wonderful thought?

If you would like to see Julie’s Bloomies, as well as her beautiful garden of creations around flowers, visit her at; or


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