Publishing my book, SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY! has brought me so much more than I ever anticipated. I had seen my daughter, Emily Golden, author of THE NEW GOLDEN RULE have amazing experiences with the media, her book having a universal appeal, ”treat yourself as you would like to be treated.” My book is general in that it is meant to inspire and support all who face challenges, and specific to ostomates or those suffering from serious bowel or bladder issues. I wasn’t certain that social media would be interested, or where it would lead. It has been a wonderful bonus that I am meeting great people, sharing interesting conversation and networking to meet my goal of making ostomy, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, bowel and bladder issues household words that do not cause whispers, shame and fear.

Along those lines, I was very excited to be asked to do my first podcast by Jordan McConnell of Crohn’s Veteran, mainly because so many in our Ostomy Support Groups suffer from either Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis. There is so much more to know and understand, but we do know today’s medications and lifestyle changes present the best opportunity for healthy living with IBD. Jordan let me know that the podcast was informal and upbeat, and that is just the way I like it. There is enough to deal with as it is, without doom and gloom, and being inspired and positive is incredibly valuable.

The podcast began with introductions to Renika and CJ, and we all established rapport and easy banter. Being relaxed goes a long way to a good interview, and Jordan certainly knows that. I was immediately comfortable, and ready to share. The interesting thing, however, is that they suffer from Crohn’s and I wanted to know more about their journey, their meds, what works for them. My story intersects with theirs, but they are the ones living with Crohn’s. Renika also has a colostomy, and it is obvious it has given her back her health…she absolutely glows! Biologics seem to be life-changing for sufferers, and particularly for CJ, who has the joint as well as abdominal inflammation. I explained to Jordan, CJ and Renika that we have members of our Ostomy Support Groups that attend meetings because they believe an ostomy is in their future, and they want to understand and be prepared for life with a colostomy or ileostomy.

My first podcast felt wonderful in that I learned so much and was able to share some of my philosophy of coping. I mentioned the tools we need for being prepared for life’s challenges; myths of ostomy that bog us down; tales of thrivers and general optimism for life. Thank you to Jordan, Renika and CJ for a great night. And please visit them at to learn more. Nominate them for various awards (who even knew such things exist) at because they are changing lives. Mine is changed by just meeting them…adding another face to living with health challenges, and doing it well, is invaluable, and motivating, especially on the days when we forget that tomorrow will be better.


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