Believe me when I write this, there is no more valiant a super warrior than my friend, Robin! We have known each other for decades, been in each other’s lives peripherally, since I am a good ten years older than she, but we love and respect each other for countless reasons, not the least is which she publishes the magazine for which I have written 10 articles a year since its inception 20 years ago. 

Robin stands armed with so much love and support as she battles for her life, an aggressive cancer challenging her strength. She is protected by an enormous outpouring of adoration every where she ventures, touching each and every one in her orbit with her smile, beauty, warmth and interest in them. She is uniquely unabashed in her concern for others, and at the same time, knows she must protect her output of energy so she can continue to fight her valiant fight.

Robin’s nephew and his bride had married during Covid and were repeating their ceremony last week with their families and friends. Just a few weeks before, Robin’s labs were on the downswing and she did not believe she would be able to be there to celebrate with her family, see her sons, Jared and Matt, be in the wedding, her nephew and new niece become “official” in the eyes of those attending. But a new treatment was offered, and Robin was all in. As she told me, “If there was an option, she was taking it!” and she did. Thankfully, she began to feel better and began to swim daily, regain some strength and she had her black dress and accessories ready. Now the final touch…her makeup, and that is where I came in. As a makeup artist, I have had the opportunity to “paint” many beautiful ladies. But none, more beautiful, nor more special than Robin!

By the time we finished the many steps necessary to make a woman look like she is simply “naturally beautiful” I was worried Robin would need a nap. But she was aglow. Her daughter-in-law, Andrea, entered the room and was thrilled to see Robin coming to life. And when her Prince Charming, husband, Ben, entered the room and his smile took over his face, I knew, as they say, “my work was done!” 

I have no idea how I actually drove home, so much on a cloud of happiness, so pleased that a little “warpaint” could prepare our valiant Super Warrior for an evening out with all who love her; but I thought about her all night. Strength, beauty, determination, kindness, intelligence and too many more adjectives to mention, all equal one of my amazing idols, who I have admired for so many years. Stay in that battle, Robin, and know how much you are admired, respected and adored. We are all supporting you and love you dearly!



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