Readers of the SENIOR CORNER may have gathered by now that I am a firm believer in the importance of socializing as we grow older. It is my belief that stimulation and camaraderie lengthen lives, give purpose to the days, and continue to reinforce one’s value. Just as children thrive when spending time with their peers, adults do the same. Sharing stories, game playing, listening to music, exercising, dining and other activities keep our bodies and minds as sharp as possible. Additionally, in my opinion, the tendency toward sadness, negativity and depression are lessened. The aging sees others in similar situations, which potentially shows them coping skills, as well.

I am noticing that there is a continuum to the aging process, and not all people experience it in the same way. Even long married couples may experience it differently, which may cause confusion and frustration in many cases. There may be subtle differences in the way one spouse is dealing with a situation that is eye-opening to the other spouse…perhaps an indication of what is to come.

A change in the living situation may be in the future, but at this stage, simply having time apart has its benefits. Some Adult Day Care Centers will be open and available five days a week, whereas some may be three times a week. Some are full day, while others, a few hours; some may have transportation and meals, and be subsidized by the government, while others are self-pay.

Additionally, aging baby boomers are challenging the medical community for more and more services! Adult Day Care centers focus on providing many of these services for chronic conditions, such as Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia, as well as physical disabilities. Many have a nurse on site, as well as some forms of therapy. These may include speech, physical, occupational, rehabilitation and emotional support therapy.

The goal of graceful aging appears to be remaining a vital part of society, even if that “society” is one’s family and friends. Games and puzzles are wonderful for focus and the ability to concentrate and strategize and may be one of the keys to gaining confidence. Each level of achievement goes a long way to reintegrating into one’s community. Pulling up a chair and placing a piece of puzzle on the board may have been something that seemed banal, easy, requiring little thought at another time in life, but at this time of life, it may just be the best motivation possible!  




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