There is something special about being part of a community. Just as we grow up in a family, our first community, we find ourselves in many as time goes on. Bruce and I are at the time of life when we are looking at a new community, even as we reflect upon and appreciate those to which we will still belong. This feeling of community, however, is on my mind, because one of the most special ladies in my life suddenly lost her darling husband last week, and our Ostomy community is there with her, sending their love and support.

Angela Natale-Ryan is one of our wonderful Wound and Ostomy Continence nurses, and she tried valiantly and heroically to save her darling husband, Tom. Imagining the reality that she could not save him with all her skills and knowledge breaks my heart. Even the EMT’s, with their paddles and magic, could not save Tom. As some of us believe, sadly, it was his time. Attending his visitation showed me how loved and missed he will be.

Ellen and Sherri, my friends from our Union County Ostomy Support Group, were with me as we represented and brought love from all who care for Angela. She was my first ombudsman in the world of Ostomy, the community I have gladly represented for several years. Angela marked my abdomen for my stoma, walked Bruce and me to the Surgery Waiting area for my ileostomy, was there when I awakened and helped me navigate the new waters of my life. She encouraged me to join the Ostomy Support Group, run for president, push for the Outpatient Ostomy Center at our hospital, and she helped me to develop the positive energy I have for this lifesaving surgery. All of this, I never take for granted.

Of course, there was no way I could share all of this with her at the visitation, especially since others were approaching with their own sympathy to share. But I want all to know that when we come together as a community, in good times and bad, we build bridges that enable us to cross back and forth. One day we are the needy ones, and the following, we are the ones to offer loving support.  That is the way our connection provides, and there is a strong sense of pride in that very knowledge.


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