I love these words spoken by Marilyn Monroe decades ago. They are so true, and we all deserve to sparkle in our own unique way. While wandering through our beautiful Short Hills Mall in New Jersey, I saw a new store that was absolutely calling my name. RED CARPET ROCKS was blingy yet tasteful, attractive in its simplicity combined with exquisite merchandising and incredibly interesting in its concept. In short, I was mesmerized and captivated, and that was before I imagined myself taking advantage of its potential!

My guess is that most have heard of Rent the Runway, which has gained traction over the past several years for the practicality and excitement it offers. We do not have to own everything we wear, particularly for special occasions. In fact, I have learned that many of the media personalities rent the outfits they wear on television, as well as those who walk the red carpet. Those fortunate enough to have stylists must score big at Rent the Runways, but mere mortals like us can do the same. A fantastic concept for big and small events in our lives.

Now, additionally, we can wear the most glamorous jewels and accessories, thanks to the imagination of Urvi Tejani, the Founder of Red Carpet Rocks. For a minimal price, clients can rent gorgeous statement earrings, necklaces and bracelets, as well as some other accessories, for four days. I am told that special arrangements can be made for those traveling or in need of the items for a longer period. The other option is to purchase these creations so they can be enjoyed any time. I adore the idea of renting, and I am excited with the ability to own what looks to be an extravagance. That little black dress just went from cute to WOW!

The shop, or what I would call a showroom, is so attractive, with blown up photographs of the most beautiful women wearing the most beautiful jewels. My Sales Consultant, Pat, was very helpful, having a great eye for what would flatter me and my coloring. In my conversation with Urvi I learned that she ships her collection all over the world, and I invite you to look at her website: redcarpetrocks.com. 

It was so much fun to peruse the fully stocked showroom and imagine great special occasions in the future. After all, we must be looking ahead. There will be celebrations and festivities, and here’s to hoping Covid eventually is in our rear-view mirror. Getting dressed in our finest is always a treat. And, as Marilyn said, we deserve to shine! I may even ask Urvi to design a beautiful adornment for my stoma pouch.


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