Loving quotes as I do, when I see one that resonates as this one does, I have to ponder where it fits into my life, our lives. On its surface, it is pretty well understood. Those who want to learn will, at any cost, while those who are not interested probably never will. Or maybe, that is too simplistic. Perhaps there may come a time when even the most unwilling to think about something uncomfortable or beyond their ken, need to recognize that the reward will be worth the effort.

My mind is wandering to the way we feel when someone we love receives an unfamiliar health diagnosis. Suddenly, all of our energy is directed toward the available information. We google, we call hotlines, we find chat rooms, and we seek support. Those who face an ostomy often reach out to the American Cancer Society (because many ostomates have cancer) or the United Ostomy Associations of America. My name is provided as a resource, a source of learning, and they are able to ask questions of me that they can’t ask others.

My goal is to meet people where they are in their learning process, as well as to encourage more understanding as they progress in their road to acceptance. The greatest gift I can provide is one of support, and to encourage reaching out for more as needed. We can’t internalize everything at once. Adaptation comes from listening and planning an appropriate response.

Learning, at its highest purpose, is to provide key information and to give a sense of control. Whether it is a health issue or one of understanding something we never thought we would need to know, we are blessed with more knowledge at our disposal than ever before. Sometimes when I am faced with navigating the web or grappling with a problem, I have to remind myself that although I am an old dog, I can learn new tricks. Letting go of all of my preconceived notions that I can’t do something is key. Keeping my mind open is my goal. I am still excited about what is left to learn because stopping is never an option!

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