My message in this blog post is that there is strength in reaching out for help! Sadly, too many of us feel the opposite, and there is a weakness around saying we can’t handle something. The clear danger is problems may continue to worsen and by the time help is obtained, there is more suffering than necessary. This goes for physical and emotional assistance. It is my belief that many issues are like the vegetables in soup, they continue to come to the top of the pot.

New Ostomates or those who struggle with chronic issues may be faced first with the reality that they are dealing with a problem that needs guidance, and second, how do they obtain valuable information? My first recommendation is to access the website or telephone number for whatever organization represents the overlying issue. The American Cancer Society, United Ostomy Associations of America, Mental Health First Aid, American Speech and Hearing Association, or Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation are examples of major outreach organizations that can provide education, guidance, support groups, key personnel, and other resources. I receive calls from patients or their families with regularity, and if I do not have the ability to assist, I am usually tuned in enough to find someone who can. Likewise, if a new Ostomate calls and is dealing with an issue I have not encountered, I have an incredible database of those who are willing to step in. My guess is there are many in other arenas who can provide the same.

Reaching out for help is like a muscle that needs to be built and strengthened regularly. When I speak with a patient or family member, I assume they are anxious, so I do my best to establish rapport and let them know I will do all I can to help. The more the caller can tell me of their need, the better I am able to hit the target. That becomes a win for both of us!

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