My friend recently traveled to Madrid, Spain and sent me this picture from the Madrid Airport. I was thrilled to see that parts of the world are recognizing that there are millions of us with ostomies on this planet, and anything that can make us more comfortable, should be a priority when planning buildings. I have yet to see or hear of an ostomy-friendly bathroom in the United States, but perhaps it will happen in the near future. To accommodate for a stoma doesn’t really take much more than ample space in the bathroom, place for cleaning and disposal of pouches, hooks for those who need catheterization, and the ability to wash hands thoroughly. What is gained, however, is so empowering. To be recognized as “normal” members of society, as well as for our simple needs to be met, is quite wonderful.

As time goes on, perhaps my goal of making OSTOMY a household word will happen. Right now, just knowing that there are places in the world that recognize our needs is a great start. Maybe our country will begin to follow suit…I can dream, can’t I?

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