Okay, so we missed the official day, according to my daily calendar. It was Wednesday, May 29th, and I was thrilled to see it. Each morning, I check to see what is being celebrated, because, of course, there is no way I would want to miss the NATIONAL PUMPKIN RACE DAY or PINK PAPER CLIP DAY. These are extremely important to our society as a whole, and it is nice to find something that isn’t political or divisive.

The SENIOR HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY is wonderful to be acknowledged because I believe many of us think we are subject to the aging process and there is nothing we can do to make it better for ourselves. That simply isn’t true! Exercise, eating clean and healthy, seeing our health care professionals, including our dentists, avoiding the sun or using sunscreen, wearing a hat, resting and staying hydrated are all relatively manageable things for all of us.

Many think that exercise is too much of a challenge if they haven’t done it for years. If that is the case, ease into it. Walk around the block; lift two soup cans instead of weights, beginning with Campbell’s and working up to Progresso. Use your body weight against the wall, lower your body slowly up and down for a count of five. Use your facial muscles and smile!

Aging is a privilege we should not take for granted. Be grateful each and every day, and make the most of days that feel good. Find others to join you in your mission to get in shape and stay in shape. It truly is the effort that keeps on giving…just ask anyone who has had the gift of a long and healthy life.

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