Acceptance and adjustment come in all forms, and sometimes, when we forget what that looks like, we are thrilled by the surprise. Speaking with
countless ostomates often lulls me into jumping ahead to the day they will find their stride. I firmly believe almost all do, but it will be different for everyone. I want to share my pleasant surprise this week, when one of my ostomy friends became a TRUE WINNER!

In December, 2023, Amy had emergency surgery to remove her colon due to severe ulcerative colitis. She was deathly ill before surgery. What followed were serious complications, like so many of us in our world. Once again, I am reminded that diseased bowels can be deadly! Trying to recuperate, Amy felt hopeless, physically and emotionally drained. She had lost 35 lbs. of muscle, fitness and strength, and I assume, confidence in her body. The loss she most suffered was not having the ability to return to her passion, running. But the body wants to heal, regain endurance, return to homeostasis.

Digging deep with her inimitable determination, she began running again in May, and admits some days are harder than others. Between accommodating for her ileostomy pouch, dehydration, and managing malabsorption of nutrients, sometimes the challenges feel more imposing. Although Amy felt she would never reach her previous level of fitness, speed, strength and endurance, she continued to persevere and literally put one foot in front of the other. Recently, Amy ran in her first race post-surgery, and had her victory lap, recognizing the day for the true miracle it was. Her daughter was there to cheer her on, and no doubt proud as can be of her awesome mom crossing the finish line!

As Amy has said, “Always remember to hang in there and never give up. The miracle may be just around the corner.” Wonderful words from an amazing woman…one I never doubted would reach whatever goal she set for herself. Sometimes we run into ourselves at just the right time!

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