From the time I discovered the joys of massage, I have looked forward to a spa visit with great enthusiasm. Please keep this to yourself, since it is the most indulgent thing EVER, but I have been known to have an 80-minute massage since 50 minutes just seemed too short. No sooner would the Massage Therapist begin, when I would be worried it would be over too soon. Talk about staying in the moment! It took the first half to try to relax and the next half was just total…pleasure! And then I had my ileostomy…

Taking my daughters to our traditional spa vacation suddenly meant, for me, changing services. No longer interested in massage, body skin cleansers and wraps or the like, I shied away from anyone seeing my changed anatomy. Facials are wonderful, but not to do every day, so while we prepared for our fun time together, my personal fun was less than it had been.

And then I needed to be waxed and the light went off in my mind! If I can be waxed, which is more of a necessity than a choice for me, then why can’t I be massaged? In truth, the massage never centered on what is now my ostomy site. Additionally, if I can tell my Waxing Consultant about my ileostomy, why not tell the Massage Therapist, who is well-versed in the anatomy and physiology?

It all comes down to comfort, and I realized that my comfort is greatly enhanced by my honesty, and willingness to share and actually educate those who may be interested. My assumption is that for the time period for which I am in the room with these professionals, we can “give and take” and teach and learn. They may never meet another ostomate in their career, but if they do, they will know more than they did before we met.

And as for me, I am looking forward to my next massage, since my legs and arms are perfectly waxed!

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