Attending the first Ostomy Support Group may bring about many fears, questions and concerns. Overwhelmed with a new anatomy, there is so much to learn and one may wonder if they are ready to discuss all that is on their minds and in their hearts. Recently, I spoke with a family who extolled praise for all their loved one learned, and the confidence it gave her to face her new normal.

My guess is that like other means of support, each person has their own medical story. For me, my ileostomy was the culmination of 23 years of suffering bowel obstructions, and it was my 23rd abdominal surgery. I was fortunate enough to awaken and believe a new life was in front of me. Most, however, do not feel the same. Many awaken after surgery to find themselves dealing with either a permanent or temporary means of their body ridding waste. Many are sick and don’t even have the time to deal with their new body because they can’t take care of themselves. Rehab facilities and long hospitalizations may loom ahead.

Getting on one’s feet to be well enough to attend a Support Group meeting may seem akin to “following the yellow brick road.” “I will get there when I am well” may be a mantra. And yet, I have found that the Support Group truly helped me to “get well.” So many questions, so much to consider, so frightened about the present and the future…all of that is overwhelming.

Support can look like many things. This wonderful family I referenced told me that they saw their Mom get dressed up for the outing, want to look her best to put forward her best. That determination brought with it great results… she became her best!

Recently, I began another Support Group and we had the proverbial one attendee, which was as it was for me last year when I began another group. She was a fireball and I have no doubt she will return next month. Our goal is to bring patients to the group, which is in the Medical Center, before they leave to begin their new life at home. We will be able to anticipate and answer their questions and concerns, and provide a level of security that we are only a phone call away!

If you haven’t joined a group, I encourage your participation. Regardless of how much you know, there is always more to learn, more to share, and more you can do to help others beginning on that yellow brick road!

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