I am reeling! After such an energizing week with three Ostomy Support Group meetings and many conversations with those in need of guidance or support outside of the meetings, I was feeling a glow of satisfaction. All was good with the world. Looking ahead to the holiday week, I was happy to have plans with my dear friend, Wendy, for my belated birthday lunch. It was to be Monday, and she was looking forward to her week off from her position as a Teacher for the Gifted and Talented in elementary school in our area.

Sadly, Wendy fell down a flight of stairs, must have hit her head hard, and died Saturday morning. There was apparently, nothing that could be done to save her…no miracle, even though if anyone deserved a miracle, it was Wendy. She was truly one of the gifted, one of the good ones in the world. Nothing was too much for Wendy, nothing was too much for her to do for others, support others, give to others. I always marveled at how many were in her sphere, and yet she always made me feel so very important, so valued, so loved. Wendy was one of my treasured Chosen Sisters, and this loss is excruciating!

Making choices with the time we have on earth is the gift we all have. Wendy made simple choices…loving and caring for her adoring husband, Steve, her beautiful daughter, Mandy, and her darling granddolls, Willow and Violet. She chose to adore her friends unconditionally, to support us and be with us when things were good and when they were not. She adored her students, and in fact, our lunches at the same diner regularly were always accented by students coming up to her to give her a hug, parents thanking her for her care of their children. She was a fixture in town, someone to be idolized…not because of what she had in life, but because of what she did in life for others.

My sadness is filling my pores, and looking ahead to my days without her is very painful. I can only imagine what Wendy would have done differently had she known it was her last day, the day she fell, hit her head and died. I can only hope it was a beautiful day for a beautiful lady. One of my Chosen Sisters is gone, and my memories are all that can console me, but she will always remain in my heart as, yes, one of the good ones, one of the great ones! 

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