And certainly NOW! With the pandemic raging, paying attention to staying healthy is even more important. I am always mindful of the importance of the right food for my body, and although it is even more challenging these months, I am doing my best to follow my needs. That is not to say I do not deviate, just do my best to compensate when I do. That usually means upping my intake of fluids, especially hot water, and going easy the following day.

What has come to my attention is that hydration, which you know is very important to all of us, particularly Ostomates, is paramount during and after Coronavirus, or any illness. The meds necessary while recovering demand more hydration, since antihistamines dry out all parts of our body. So drinking water continues to be the simplest and most important thing we can do to help ourselves. Many add lemons or limes to break up the boredom of water.

Additionally, boosting our Immune System is within our reach, by reaching for fruits and vegetables! The daily recommendation, in general, is three servings of fruits and vegetables daily, but to fight inflammation and boost healthy response to disease, five to seven are ideal. Some thoughts:

  • Sweet potatoes, carrots and green leafy vegetables boast beta-carotene which reduces inflammation. Consider adding to salads or snacks.
  • Red peppers, oranges, strawberries, mangoes and broccoli are all sources of Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, and aids in boosting our immune system. Consider juicing the fruit and nibbling on the veggies.
  • Nuts, seeds, spinach and broccoli are all good sources of the antioxidant Vitamin E, which helps to convert the food we eat to energy. During the quarantine period, I have been adding nuts and seeds to my daily lunch salad, and truth be told, will now be unable to eat another salad without that incredible crunch to which I am accustomed. Please chew the nuts and seeds, and all fruits and vegetables well, since that is the best prevention for a bowel obstruction, and Ostomates must protect ourselves.
  • Pumpkin seeds, lentils, beans and sesame seeds boost white blood cells, which help defend our bodies from illness, since they contain high amounts of Zinc. Soups, stews and snacks are all good choices to add them to your diet.

If you are sick, it is hard to imagine eating at all, I am sure. But as you are able to tolerate food (drink, drink, drink) consider a smoothie made with berries and Greek yogurt, which will add protein and probiotics, which will add Vitamin D, as well as help gut health.

I love fruits and veggies, always have, and my daughters and their families, do, as well. My daughter, Allison, has a wonderful garden, and I am enjoying cucumbers fresh from her backyard.  Watching them grow from seeds has become a family affair, and even the puppies love to go to “Mama’s garden” to see what is ready to be harvested. Rock on, Garden State!

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