So many words I wanted to write in this week’s blog post, wanting to talk about the healing our beautiful country needs to do together. And yet, as I gave it more thought, it is not surprising, the words that have the most impact are that of the remarkable, first-ever Young Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. If sunshine has a face, it is hers. If goodness has a voice, it is hers. And if fervent hope and belief in the good of humanity wore a color, it would be the radiant yellow of her coat of armor she wore as she recited her incredible poem at the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, January 20, 2021. The Capitol Building never shone as brightly!

Amanda’s graceful hands captivated me as she used them as a hula dancer does to tell a story. She told us that “quiet isn’t always peace” and how could it be? Not when so many need to be quiet to keep peace. And what “just is, is not justice.” We can no longer say it just is, when we need to know that justice is being done for the greater good. Her uplifting belief that our “nation isn’t broken,” it is a “union with purpose” and we cannot “sow division” in America, but have “pride in repairing it.” We are “bruised but bold” and we must “merge might with mercy” in order to “build, reconcile and recover.”

Oh, how I love the spirit of that amazing 22-year-old “old soul” and the message of what we must do in order to be our best. These words are not merely rhetoric, meant to fit into the metered stanza of poetry. They represent words that have been bursting in my heart for the past few years, since I, like so many, have fought in my mind the demons that threaten all we love and stand for. The lack of respect, civility and concern for others has hurt so many. My fear that our inertia, which Amanda called “inaction” would continue. But this week has brought with it a deep and refreshing breath of new air, and I am very excited.

Never a politically driven woman, I always assumed that the cream would rise to the top, and that eventually, all would be for the greater good. These past years have shown me that inhumanity wears many masks, many faces. If that is the calling of those we have elected and those involved, at least they need to own their lack of concern for those they represent. It is time for them to step up and take charge, with the knowledge that their job is to create our more perfect union.

It is time to heal, and it is time to find that which brings us together, eschewing that which divides and separates us. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to each other, and most of all, we owe it to the future of our country. I want my grandchildren, and eventually, their grandchildren to know a world of light. No Pollyanna, I know things will not always be moving in a positive direction, but it is my fervent prayer that there will always be those who will be open enough to see the light, and bold enough to be the light, and strong enough to do the right.

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