There is an air of freedom all around me, and I must admit how seductive and compelling it feels. Having just flown for the first time, I was impressed with not only the cleanliness of the plane and airport, I was impressed with the new systems that were in place for boarding and deplaning. It seems that much of what used to be common practice is no longer necessarily common practice. In actuality, the plane was ready for takeoff more quickly than I can remember, and hygiene and safety were priority number one. Yes, many brought their own water and snacks, but we were used to that, the days of in-flight meals were part of a by-gone era. In general, those traveling were courteous, appreciative, friendly and made conversation about the ability to do what was taken for granted a year ago, and then, so very quickly, became a distant memory.

We had not flown since we literally ran to the airport on Sunday, March 15, 2020. At that point, Governor Murphy of New Jersey had been talking about a state of emergency, and our president had been toying with the idea of shutting down all domestic flights. The day before, that Saturday, March 14, 2020, I watched television all day, glued to the news reports, feeling quite stranded and fearful we would be unable to return to our home, near the hospital where I feel most secure. Unable to make flight arrangements either online or by phone, we actually drove to the airport and waited at the counter to get tickets for the first flight we could get the following day. We left our vacation condo like bats out of hell, sat in silence at the airport that Sunday, sat in the airplane in fear of the virus that was killing all over Europe and Asia, and prepared to face what we thought would be a few days at home…or a few weeks.

A few days later, Governor Murphy, like countless others, closed our state, created more rules than I will ever remember, changed the landscape of the lives of our children, perhaps forever, and informed us that bad days were ahead. Every time we thought we were prepared for yet another rule or another bit of bad news, more came…and then the deaths began to mount. Each day brought more devastating news, each day echoed statistics of the day before, and then added more. It was so hard to find a ray of hope, a ray of sunshine.

And yet, as resilience does, we found our light at the end of the tunnel, and now, three vaccines are being placed into the arms of millions every day. We have a new administration and as was promised, their mission is to show us the road out of the pandemic. I am grateful, I am excited, I am thrilled with the possibilities I see ahead. Whether it is because I had the ability to soar above the clouds a few days ago, or whether it is because I always look for the silver lining, I know we will all move forward, and that feels simply wonderful. If you are considering travel, I wish you safe miles in the skies, and if you are just happy to finally go to your favorite restaurant and have a meal with family and friends, I wish you hot food and smiling service. And if you are able to finally be with your children and grandchildren for the first time in a year, I guarantee you that it will be every bit as amazing and you imagined it to be!

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