I continue to get questions regarding travel, since the summer seems to beckon us to all types of places. Wanderlust is not lost on ostomates, and I am happy to report that at our Support Group meetings, there is a great deal of curiosity about preparations for a trip. Here are a few thoughts I […]

Acceptance and adjustment come in all forms, and sometimes, when we forget what that looks like, we are thrilled by the surprise. Speaking with countless ostomates often lulls me into jumping ahead to the day they will find their stride. I firmly believe almost all do, but it will be different for everyone. I want […]

Running into a friend I hadn’t seen in years, we greeted each other warmly. A quick discussion about our families ensued and then, the “organ recital.” You know conversation if you are of a “certain age.” It starts with which organs we still have, which are being scanned or tested in some way, which we […]