So many words I wanted to write in this week’s blog post, wanting to talk about the healing our beautiful country needs to do together. And yet, as I gave it more thought, it is not surprising, the words that have the most impact are that of the remarkable, first-ever Young Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. […]
We all have our fantasies, so come along with me as I describe one of mine…new ostomates (those with ileostomy, colostomy, or urostomy, all having had stoma surgery) would begin their adjustment to their new life with all of their questions answered, they would have knowledge and be welcomed into an Ostomy Support Group, they […]
I was shocked, my body shaking, as I watched the planes fly into the World Trade on September 11,2001. The carnage and the loss of life, in front of our eyes, casted upon those going to work, flying to various destinations, working in the Pentagon, was as memorable and heinous an act as we can […]