
Many ostomates name their stomas (the opening attached to our abdomens which allows the passage of either stool or urine into our pouch) and feel it helps in the acceptance of their new anatomy. "Rosie" is very common because the healthy stoma looks like a rosebud, in shape and color. My stoma is named Lily. I always say she is named for my mother, Lillian, who gave me my first life, and Lily has absolutely given me my second life!

Many ostomates name their stomas (the opening attached to our abdomens which allows the passage of either stool or urine into our pouch) and feel it helps in the acceptance of their new anatomy. “Rosie” is very common because the healthy stoma looks like a rosebud, in shape and color. My stoma is named Lily. I always say she is named for my mother, Lillian, who gave me my first life, and Lily has absolutely given me my second life!

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I have missed not posting a blog this week, but I was traveling home Tuesday with all good intentions to write said blog, and wound up spending 11 and a half hours in the airport, instead.

I have missed not posting a blog this week, but I was traveling home Tuesday with all good intentions to write said blog, and wound up spending 11 and a half hours in the airport, instead.

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The next time I am together with my daughters, they will be crazy busy working mamas, driving everyone from one point to another, fulfilling their goals of being the best they can be. But I/we had an amazing moment in time, and for that, I am eternally grateful, and the memories we made are ours forever!

The next time I am together with my daughters, they will be crazy busy working mamas, driving everyone from one point to another, fulfilling their goals of being the best they can be. But I/we had an amazing moment in time, and for that, I am eternally grateful, and the memories we made are ours forever!

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