“A SMART PERSON KNOWS WHAT TO SAY, A WISE PERSON KNOWS WHETHER OR NOT TO SAY IT.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama Such wisdom, so obvious and yet so much to contemplate. How many times have we been in a situation where we said the “right thing” and felt we should not have done so? […]

A very interesting conversation with my friend, Marilyn, involved the concept of adapting, and how people differ in this regard. Some find it very easy to adapt to new terrain, and even embrace the changes that accompany the process. Others may suffer untenable anxiety, feeling they are upended and unable to find their equilibrium. Of […]

I suppose one could say I have a mission. My mission feels very important, almost like a crusade, one which we are all in need of supporting. We must open our hearts to each other and do it soon. Our future seems to depend upon it. Everywhere we turn, there is negativity, a sense that […]