Sometimes, we have to take our own advice, and recently, I neglected to do so. Busy before leaving for a trip, I never opened my netted container that holds my ostomy supplies. In reality, I never opened the containers for my cosmetics or toiletries, either, but those items forgotten are easily replaced at a supermarket, […]

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At our monthly Ostomy Support Group meeting recently we discussed hernia prevention, again! It is the topic that requires a conversation often, because an ostomy, by its very nature, is a hole in the abdomen that allows bowel to protrude. The surgeon creates the hernia in our case, and the area around the stoma or […]

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Okay, so we missed the official day, according to my daily calendar. It was Wednesday, May 29th, and I was thrilled to see it. Each morning, I check to see what is being celebrated, because, of course, there is no way I would want to miss the NATIONAL PUMPKIN RACE DAY or PINK PAPER CLIP […]

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