And the spring holidays of Easter, Passover, and Ramadan are upon us. When I was a child, I could hardly wait to fill myself with matzah for each meal…butter and salt; peanut butter and jelly; fried with egg batter ala French Toast; chocolate covered. Not that matzah even tastes that great, it is just festive […]

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And what a great anniversary it is! The day my stoma, Lily, was born was March 17th, 2014, which makes her an adorable 7-year-old. She is trim, rosy in color, well-nourished and maintained, and all around, a happy girl! Named for my mother, Lillian, she made her appearance as a result of my 23rd abdominal […]

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There is an air of freedom all around me, and I must admit how seductive and compelling it feels. Having just flown for the first time, I was impressed with not only the cleanliness of the plane and airport, I was impressed with the new systems that were in place for boarding and deplaning. It […]

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