There are support groups for many issues but until I, myself, was in need, I never gave much thought to what they can provide. We have seen representations on television and in the movies, and they seem to have merit, but I have learned that they can be a lifesaver, or at the very least, […]

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Yesterday, June 28, 2019, marked the 50 year anniversary of the day my father died. At 7:15 a.m. I turned to my husband, Bruce, and remarked that was the very time we were talking with him and he fell upon his bed, held his (in my memory) swollen, beet red head and never said another word.

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There may be SUCH devoted sisters, but it is unlikely there are MORE devoted sisters than we are! WE are my two sisters, Michele and Mindy, and I, and like the song from White Christmas, a post-war movie from 1954, we are incredibly devoted. In fact, we sang that song all through our lives, from childhood to present, when we just celebrated a “sisters’ week” together.

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