The winter is in full force in many parts of the country and becoming isolated is more and more a possibility. We have to work harder to connect with others, to have physical contact or even to be motivated to leave the warmth of our homes. Sometimes, it feels too difficult, especially as the cold […]

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I understand that January 5th, Whipped Cream Day was not exactly on your radar screen. I also understand you may be wondering why am I bringing it up, at all? The answer is that I have a daily calendar for the new year, and of all that are available online and in stores, I chose […]

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Who is not overwhelmed by the prospect of making New Year’s resolutions? There seems to be something about the opportunity to change all that needs to be changed, never make another mistake from this point on, do everything better than ever before, that beckons us like a compulsion. If we don’t jump on the bandwagon, […]

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