I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for reading, reacting, responding and hopefully, taking to heart, the warmest feelings sent with my blog posts. Writing to my fellow Ostomates is the greatest privilege, but writing to readers who are not, because it resonates in some way, is equally, as important to me.

It goes without saying that many of the events in 2023 are very difficult to comprehend. In fact, an astounding number are heinous, excruciating and beyond belief, despite seeing them in front of our eyes, over and over again on the news. Clearly, some wonderful things also happened, but at this moment, I am hard-pressed to connect with them. Broken-hearted, like so many of you, the sadness is bubbling in my heart.

Please remember, and pass this along to those in need of reading it…treat others the way you want to be treated. Filling one’s soul with hatred because someone looks different, or worships a different G-d, or loves in a different way is not only a waste of energy, but simply WRONG! We are NOT given the right to judge anyone. We are given the right to be free to make our own decisions, live our lives the way we want…end of discussion.

Please join me in this New Year in accepting, and believing in the intrinsic good of mankind. We simply cannot continue this way…too much is at stake. Our humanity is at stake, and so is our country. Historically, a people are judged by how they treat their minorities. We have not excelled in that, in fact, our hatred is palpable. We had better do better if we are to survive as a free society…full stop!

I wish all a wonderful fresh beginning. Take a deep breath, tackle new projects, believe in the good, believe in the future, believe in yourself that you can make an important difference. Be a positive Thinker, and a positive Doer! Praise people who do good, do not follow those who are filled with hatred and evil energy. Those who do good do so because they are good, but those who are filled with hatred thrive on active and passive approval, and will blame others when things go bad.

And finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t suggest a wonderful New Year’s Resolution: “TREAT YOURSELF THE WAY YOU WANT OTHERS TO TREAT YOU.” A quote from the book, The New Golden Rule, written by Emily Golden, my daughter.

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