Having lived in New Jersey for most of my life, the seasons were always clearly defined. Even though it took weeks and even months for there to be a huge difference, eventually there were four seasons, and each one was unique in terms of temperature and humidity. Although living in south Florida means subtle seasonal differences, the need to hydrate becomes more important as the calendar moves toward the next several months.

In general, any with a health issue knows that accommodating for its effects on the body is the key to feeling well. Specifically, those of us with an ileostomy know that dehydration is always a concern. This is because our stomas are almost continuously productive, so losing fluid is, alas, continuous. When dehydration happens, there is potentially a loss of energy, as well as nausea and vomiting, dizziness and fainting. Replacing lost fluids is more than simply drinking. Adding effective hydration powered by electrolytes, in various forms, may help to feel better for so many, as the seasons change.

Our Ostomy Support Group embraces a product called LIQUID I.V. (we seem to all love Passion Fruit flavor) which boasts three times the electrolytes than the leading sports drinks. We agree that it is effective hydration, and that is, according to its data, because it uses a scientifically and clinically studied, zero-sugar hydration solution. There is an Amino Acid blend that is, apparently, more effective than water alone.

Years ago, one needed to source this product that is activated by simply mixing it with water, through medical distributors. Due to its popularity with athletes and those of us with compromised health, it is now available on Amazon, or at supermarkets and pharmacies. I recommend keeping a few packets handy with other ostomy backup supplies, or in a handbag.

Enjoy the warmer weather, wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat, and drink with the knowledge that you are keeping your body healthy. One narrow packet can give you peace of mind for an entire day!

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