Having lived in New Jersey for most of my life, the seasons were always clearly defined. Even though it took weeks and even months for there to be a huge difference, eventually there were four seasons, and each one was unique in terms of temperature and humidity. Although living in south Florida means subtle seasonal […]

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My initiation into the world of medical issues came upon me out of the blue in my early 40s and continued for decades. I was caught in the web of ER’s and OR’s for over 20 years between my first major small bowel obstruction and ileostomy. My stoma came as a huge relief, as well […]

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No, I am not starting a Book Club because I am far from a maven on what others might enjoy reading. I will leave that to those who read faster, are more discerning and/or just have a more interesting opinion on everything, than I do. But a wonderful friend sent me this book because we […]

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