I have been through some tough times recently. Telling you this makes me feel there may have been a purpose for it…something to be shared, a lesson to be learned. In truth, it was just something I had to get through, get passed, “live to fight another day,” as the expression goes. And perhaps the lesson learned is one I heard on television…”tough times don’t last, but tough people do!”

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Having body image issues for my entire life pushed me early on to learn every trick possible for dressing for success…and not the success we usually think of as women entered the workforce in greater numbers. I am not referring to professional attire as women sat across from men in the boardroom. I am referring to seeking the successful feeling of accentuating the positives and playing down the negatives. To this day, that is my goal for myself, and for whomever I am dressing!

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As warm weather enters our days, those of us with an ostomy know the importance of staying cool and hydrated. I love the ease of the season, but recognize the practicality of planning an attractive and easy to coordinate wardrobe. As the seasons progress, I will help you to put together garments in your closet in different ways, so start with me now, and your fashion IQ will certainly improve!

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