No, this isn’t a likely question for a child to ask but it is certainly a very important consideration for all of us. Where does Self-Esteem come from (and please forgive the incorrect grammar in this question. My self-worth depends upon it!) Actually, that isn’t true, but what is true, is that the elusive ability to feel one’s worth, value, capability, uniqueness, etc. seems intrinsic to some, while others spend their entire life searching for it.
I believe that Self-Esteem begins with an honest relationship with our value system. Doing the “right thing” feels good. That feeling grows and grows, and there is a concomitant of happiness that accompanies that good feeling. Additionally, I believe that Self-Esteem comes from doing good. Whether it is volunteer work, listening to others in need, supporting the ill, or taking the time to smile at another, stepping out of ourselves brings us self-worth.
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