
Many years ago, when I first had the need to be consistently mindful of my health and the stress it put on my body, one of my myriads of doctors told me something that has resonated with me all this time. He told me that those with chronic health issues, who learn how to care […]

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It is so natural to take for granted the vitamins we consume from our food and supplements. It wasn’t until I had my first major bowel resection in January, 1993, however, that I realized how important some of these vitamins and minerals are for the integrity of our bodies. That blockage resulted in the removal […]

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Every morning, before beginning his workout in our “home gym” in the basement, Bruce empties the dehumidifier of water. During the summer months, the tank is heavy, full to capacity, and may even have turned off in order not to overflow. However, these mornings, the tank is typically only half full. What better evidence, or […]

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