
While walking this morning it occurred to me that for many Ostomates, the heat is very challenging. Ileostomates, in particular, are prone to dehydration because our stoma is always productive. In Mother Nature’s inimitable creation, the colon, or large bowel, is responsible for absorbing fluids and allowing them to be reabsorbed into the body. Since […]

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It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day of dealing with the Covid pandemic. In fact, if truth be told, it is hard to not get caught up. Everywhere we turn, signs of the enormity of the situation abound. We drove by Costco this morning and the line wrapped around […]

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I am so happy to report that I was involved in three Ostomy Support Groups in New Jersey this week, and it was fantastic! As many know, I am president of the Union County Group, which is out of Overlook Medical Center in Summit, and have been for the past 5 years. One year ago, […]

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